2.0 Dive into an interesting story

Kursbild einer Gruppe

  • Review or look up the story from LONA Science Centre (video or text). In this story, the students are talking about a collaborative research project studying how people react in stressful situations. The results will be used to adapt professional training programs for firefighters, police and rescue crews.
  • Sketch the different roles within this research project by drawing stick figures for two of the following collaborative players.
  1. Prof. Weis’ team: LONA Science Centre conducting the research
  2. Police & fire brigade: funding the research
  3. Prof. Surinares: Pakistan, collecting additional data
  4. Education agency: developing evidence-based training courses for firefighters and police officers
  • Embellish your stick figures with representative heads and coat buttons.
  • Submit the sketches of your stick figures in the forum below (Subject example: Julia's stick figure Prof. Surinares)


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