3.0 Discuss and come to an agreement

Your trainer has assigned you to an interdisciplinary group (see News and Announcements). Meet with your group (date in News and Announcements). For discussion, use the online-meeting room that your trainer has assigned to you.

Conduct the three following steps.

Step 1
  • Come up with a fictitious common collaboration and give your collaboration a meaningful title.
  • Think about, what each of you can contribute to this collaboration.
  • Write down your meeting results by adding a new discussion topic below. Use just one topic (subject: your group’s name).
Step 2
One partner asks you to agree on complete transparency and openness from beginning to end in your collaboration. Discuss what that means and state what limits there are to this request if any. Give reasons for these possible limitations. Together, write a paragraph on transparency and openness for your collaboration agreement that everyone approves of.
  • Submit your paragraph (10 to 15 sentences) on transparency and openness in the forum below by adding a new discussion topic (subject: paragraph on transparency).
Step 3
  • Take one rule/norm from your agreement paragraph and discuss how each of your actions would look if you adhered to this rule.

(Aún no hay temas de debate en este foro)