1.1 Dive into an interesting challenge
1. For this course, memorise and think about the following:
Research is a quest for knowledge that is conducted in a way that is systematic, calculated, considered, well planned, thought out in advance, etc. Researchers...
... discover and design things along the way as they work
... plan their research thoughtfully
... gather information and analyse it to understand it better
... publish their results and disseminate their knowledge.
Progress in society is often driven by research. Think of space travel, penicillin, de-escalation strategies, smart homes, etc.
Read the “The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity”. Look-up any unknown words.
2. Dive into an interesting challenge
- Review or look up the story from LONA Science Centre (video or text).
- Consider what kind of research fits best into the story from LONA Science Centre: experiments, surveys, observation, literature reviews or others?
- Justify your answer and write it down (10 to 15 sentences).
- Submit your thoughts in the forum below (subject: research procedures_name).
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