5.1 Reflect on rules for researchers

Your trainer has assigned you to a new group (see News and Announcements).
Return to your roles from the forum submissions above. Meet with your group (date in News and Announcements). For discussion, use the online-meeting room that your trainer has assigned to you.

  1. Start a question-and-answer circle.
    One person should ask their neighbour: How and why do you foster research integrity?
    The neighbour should answer as clearly as possible and then ask the next student the same question. This should continue until everyone in the group has both asked and answered.
  2. Formulate three statements with the words: The research environment in our discipline should ______!
  3. How can you handle these leaps in your upcoming research?
    Find solutions together!
  4. Submit the completed sentences and your thoughts (10 to 15 sentences) in the forum below (subject: RulesForResearcher_GroupName).

(Все още няма теми за дискусия в този форум)