3.1 Engage in storytelling

Your trainer has assigned you to a group (see News and Announcements). Meet with your group (date in News and Announcements). For discussion, use the online-meeting room that your trainer has assigned to you.

Write one scene of a play, in which Emma, David and Rebecca meet their mayor and the head of the fire brigade, one day after they visited LONA Science Centre.
Discuss the following topics before you start writing:
1. Who are the actors in your play?
2. What do they think about bad research and why?
3. Who and how could somebody request the researchers from LONA Science Centre to conduct responsible research?

Your scene (20 to 30 sentences) should include a dialogue about good research. By putting honesty, respect, reliability and accountability first, your actors should link their dialogue to the happenings at LONA Science Centre.

Submit your scene in the forum below (subject: Scene_GroupName).

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