3.1 Engage in storytelling

Your trainer has assigned you a partner (see News and Announcements). Meet with your partner (date in News and Announcements). Use the online-meeting room that your trainer has assigned to you.

In pairs, conduct the three following steps:

Step 1: Case and Character
Introduce your case and character from the prior learning stage to your partner. What did they use research results to argue in favour of?
Explain whether this person is a researcher or whether they work in some other area of society.
Step 2: Imagine the worst
In a co-creative process with your partner, choose one of your characters and imagine a story in which the research results turn out to be fraudulent because the researcher who produced them had cheated. The story should include both the cheating researcher and your character. Include a person and/or a part of society that gets hurt due to the fraudulent results. Write down your storyline in bullet points.
Step 3: Turn it to the best
Now rewrite your story! Together, imagine that another researcher has stopped the cheating. Describe in detail what values this reliable researcher has and how your character is now able to use these reliable research results for their argument. Write down a short story in which a person and/or a group is able to advance because of the reliable results and the argument in favour of it.

Submit your joint story (10 to 20 sentences) in the forum below (subject: story_name+name).


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